The Bryan County School System is pleased to offer both a limited Before School and After School Program for students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade who are enrolled in the school system. Coordinated by the Community Education Office, the program is self-supporting and relies on weekly tuition fees for funding.
Both the Before School and After School Program (ASP) provide a safe, supervised environment staffed with qualified instructors. In addition, the After School Program offers students an opportunity to begin homework, enjoy fun enrichment activities, and attend extracurricular activities provided by the Community Education Office.
Register online at bryan.ce.eleyo.com, a convenient, mobile-friendly online website that allows you to manage your Before and After School account from any device, including your smart phone or tablet.

Before School Rates & Information
The Bryan County School System offers a Before School Program at three school sites for students enrolled in these five Bryan County Schools at a rate at $30 per week:
Richmond Hill Primary School: Before School – 6:45–8:25 AM (drop-off ends at 8:10 AM)
Richmond Hill Elementary and George Washington Carver Elementary: Before School for these two schools is located at Richmond Hill Elementary School – 6:45–8:25 AM (drop-off ends at 8:10 AM)
Bryan County Elementary School: Before School – 6:15–7:30 AM (drop-off ends at 7:10 AM)
An optional breakfast is offered at all sites at normal school fees.
After School Rates & Information
The After School Program is open for Bryan County students in grades pre-kindergarten through middle school. The After School Program is an extended school day offering Bryan County families a safe, educational environment for after school care. Students in the ASP program enjoy:
Daily snacks with healthy food options
Quality adult instructors, many affiliated with the Bryan County school system
Academic activities, including time for homework or review, with instructors available to help, and/or a quiet time for study
Options to participate in Community Education enrichment classes such as gymnastics, dance, music lessons, martial arts, science, Kids in the Kitchen, Snapology, and many more (Community Education classes are fee based)
A variety of additional activities are offered several times each week, including:
Outside play on school playgrounds on new modern playground equipment (depending on weather conditions)
After School Program Media Center for STEM and iPad educational applications
Arts and Crafts activities where students are encouraged to exercise creative skills
All Before and After School programs require a $25 non-refundable registration fee before acceptance in the program. Registration payments will not be processed until enrollment is confirmed.
There are four After School Program sites with care provided until no later than 6:30 p.m. Students attending extra ASP days will be charged $17.50 per day. Payment will be due before attending.
Richmond Hill Community Education Center for students attending Richmond Hill Primary, Richmond Hill Elementary, George Washington Carver Elementary and Richmond Hill Middle School. Students from these three elementary schools have six options for enrollment, while RHMS students can choose from options #3 through #6:
Before School and After School Program (full week) - $72/week
Before School only - $35/week
After School Program only, full week - $55.75/week
After School Program only, three days/week - $52.50/week
After School Program only, two days/week - $35/week
After School Program only, one day/week - $17.50/week
Bryan County Elementary School for students attending Bryan County Elementary and Bryan County Middle. Students from BCES can choose from options #1 through #6. BCMS students can choose from options #3 through #6, without the option of adding Before School:
Before School and After School Program, full week - $72/week
Before School only - $30/week
After School Program, full week - $55.75/week
After School Program, three days/week - $52.50/week
After School Program, two days/week - $35/week
After School Program, one day/week - $17.50/week
McAllister Elementary School for students attending McAllister Elementary. Choose:
After School Program, full week - $66.25/week
After School Program, three days/week - $52.50/week
After School Program, two days/week - $35/week
After School Program, one day/week - $17.50/week
Frances Meeks Elementary School for students attending Frances Meeks Elementary. Choose:
After School Program, full week - $66.25/week
After School Program, three days/week - $52.50/week
After School Program, two days/week - $35/week
After School Program, one day/week - $17.50/week